2002-2021 發表作品LIST
阿沁|知名作曲家|代表作F.I.R.《月牙灣》《我們的愛》《Lydia》張韶涵《遺失的美好》蔡健雅《Beautiful Love》蔡依林《妥協》花千骨《心之火》蕭敬騰《原諒我》等、百位藝人寫歌,發表500多首詞曲作品。
2021.09 明天,雙人舞 梁靜茹
2021.08 只能對我專心 阿樂
2021.08 白薔薇 白白
2021.07 Honey Oops 于小文
2021.07 信者恆信 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2021.07 Someday F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2021.07 光的姿態 F.I.R.飛兒樂團 絲絨公路
2021.07 戀戀 F.I.R.飛兒樂團 Snh48
2021.07 一個世界的遼闊 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2021.07 錦繡夢 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2021.07 愛在蔓延時 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2021.07 錦繡夢 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2021.07 鑽石之心 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2021.06 孩子氣 鄧典
2021.06 天使密碼又又
2021.05 將逝之愛("靈語"主題曲) F.I.R.
2021.05 陪你到最後 張羽辰
2021.04 ChillNoW 品牌群星主題曲
2021.04 我很好騙 動力火車
2021.04 夢想大江 江陰女孩
2021.04 屬於愛在的地方 可蕎
2021.02 愛覺醒 L.C.G.勵齊女孩
2021.01 預言 蔡黃汝(豆花妹)
2020.12 Music Radio台歌 蔡依林、李榮浩、林宥嘉、吳青峰、田馥甄、群星
2020.11 天地之間 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2020.11 攻無不克 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2020.11 活著 草爺+群星
2020.10 其實還愛你 劉宇珊
2020.10 常州女孩 粉色少女
2020.10 意濃(OT緣淺) 許佳琪
2020.09 日出 比熊
2020.09 雨和海(電影《海霧》推廣曲) 阿沁 林佳音
2020.09 怒海(電影《海霧》推廣曲) FUTURE IDOL
2020.09 海霧 F.I.R.飛兒樂團feat.Spark
2020.09 迷途 黃霄雲
2020.09 First Wish L.C.G.勵齊女孩
2020.08 消失地平線 FUTURE IDOL-吳承恩
2020.08 淺藍色的你 花兒-林佳音
2020.08 煙火 蔡黃汝(豆花妹)
2020.08 夢想高雄 L.C.G.勵齊女孩-高雄隊
2020.08 學會原諒 勵齊女孩-紅豆
2020.08 Illumine L.C.G.勵齊女孩
2020.08 Little Wish L.C.G.勵齊女孩
2020.08 Swing Heart 心搖擺 FUTURE IDOL
2020.06 花路 L.C.G.勵齊女孩
2020.06 Cotton Candy L.C.G.勵齊女孩
2020.06 We Are Future Idol FUTURE IDOL
2020.08 夢想高雄 L.C.G.勵齊女孩-高雄隊
2020.05 以food之名 莎莎(鍾欣愉)
2020.05 Don't Like Hot Girls L.C.G.勵齊女孩
2020.05 Magical Girl L.C.G.勵齊女孩
2020.04 Dream Heaven L.C.G.勵齊女孩
2020.04 Specail Guest L.C.G.勵齊女孩
2020.03 心在跳 Mini 謝鈴津
2020.03 如果能再見 Mini 謝鈴津
2020.02 情人節的許願 阿沁*
2020.01 天空之上 特蕾沙
2020.01 時光 黃子軒
2020.01 鮮魚歌 邱廉欽
2019.12 幸福遊樂園 花錢王FMK
2019.10 打破這世界 Zamy奎丁
2019.09 在成都 創造101 - 蘇芮琪
2019.09 Forever Young F.I.R. feat. Do As Infinity
2019.08 閨蜜 Skimmy
2019.07 月光盔甲 阿沁
2019.05 自由之歌 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2019.05 忘年會 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2019.05 刺青春 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2019.05 美麗的你 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2019.05 唯一的玫瑰 范逸臣
2019.05 愛上屬於你的天空 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2019.05 夢見島 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2019.05 誰比誰勇敢 Vicky
2019.05 Can you remember (造夢者) F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2019.05 Fairyland in reality F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2019.03 火蝶 楊美娜
2019.01 抱一抱 MISKA
2018.12 1212-P.I.C.K 宇宙少女 程瀟
2018.12 人生羅盤 阿沁
2018.12 我是影子陪在你左右 莊昱凡
2018.12 聲音之城 北京交通廣播電台
2018.12 習慣 張米辰
2018.12 煙 · 灰 張米辰
2018.12 舞魅娘 賴雅妍 feat 阿沁
2018.11 功夫狂潮 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2018.09. 早安午安晚安 李宓
2018.09. 你會回來 李宓
2018.09. 紅葉 李宓
2018.09. 唇蜜 李宓
2018.09. 藏寶盒 李宓
2018.09. I LOVE SUNSHINE 李宓
2018.08 最親愛朵朵(朵朵週歲) 阿沁 花花
2018.08 在,不在 張欣奕
2018.08 星火(鬥魚電影主題曲) F.I.R.
2018.06 聽愛 黃綺珊
2018.05 走在一起 林怡廷
2018.03 愛是光 彭佳慧
2018.02 直接愛 Uplive Girls
2018.01 守護 Uplive Girls
2017.12 Up Up Up Uplive Girls
2017.12 人人人人 阿沁
2017.12 天使惡魔 阿沁
2017.12 男人不該犯的錯 阿沁
2017.12 長江吼 阿沁
2017.12 突然失眠 阿沁
2017.12 假面 阿沁
2017.12 畢卡索的謊言 阿沁
2017.12 終於我明白 阿冷
2017.12 跳舞去旅行 林怡廷
2017.12 線上聊 阿沁
2017.12 雙雙對對 阿沁
2017.12 WIGA 阿沁
2017.12 DAY90 阿沁
2017.12 你就是彗星 賴蔓蒂Mand
2017.12 是我輸了你 90 Days
2017.12 Break the Law M.O.B.
2017.12 Last Day 沈懿 阿沁
2017.12 這個星期之前把你從心裡忘記 阿沁
2017.12 Swag Lady T.P.I.
2017.12 這個世界藥醫 90 Days
2017.12 朋友圈中 90 Days
2017.12 點燈 90 Days
2017.11 混蛋 90 Days
2017.11 My Dear 90 Days
2017.11 放肆年華 90 Days
2017.11 Lazy Night AGG 林佩薇
2017.11 決不服輸 90 Days
2017.11 日出的東方 90 Days
2017.11 早安午安晚安 白菜
2017.11 你的眼淚 90 Days
2017.11 告訴我離開我你會幸福每天 90 Days
2017.11 我應該解脫 90 Days
2017.11 Kiss All Night 90 Days
2017.11 Want you tonight 90 Days
2017.11 Don’t wanna leave 90 Days
2017.11 我想你想到滿鬍渣 90 Days
2017.11 為了你定下來 90 Days
2017.11 我愛上哪個他 90 Days
2017.11 微笑最勇敢 90 Days
2017.11 名叫自由的星球 90 Days
2017.11 梔子花開 超次元偶像單曲
2017.11 一個人在家等 90 Days
2017.11 魔鬼從海的深處緩緩走來 90 Days
2017.11 天堂 90 Days
2017.11 one more time 上海商會主題曲
2017.10 where are you 90 Days
2017.10 最珍惜的玫瑰 阿沁 盧學叡
2017.10 危險的男孩 90 Days
2017.10 Say Goodbye 90 Days
2017.10 我曾經很幸福 90 Days
2017.10 牽著我的手別走 90 Days
2017.10 像星星的女孩 90 Days
2017.10 Never Change 90 Days
2017.10 你那清澈藍色眼睛 90 Days
2017.10 承認我錯 90 Days
2017.10 紅塵 90 Days
2017.09 失敗面容 90 Days
2017.09 Nothing goes to heaven 90 Days
2017.09 弱者為王 90 Days
2017.09 I find the castle 90 Days
2017.09 自己HIGH 90 Days
2017.09 向大地奔跑的孩子 90 Days
2017.09 湘江東岸 90 Days
2017.09 夜車 90 Days
2017.09 謝絕聯絡 90 Days
2017.09 感謝 90 Days
2017.09 來自你給的勇敢 90 Days
2017.09 來.重來.未來 90 Days
2017.09 Why Do You Love Me 90 Days
2017.09 忠於自我的夢 90 Days
2017.09 聊聊重慶 阿沁
2017.09 外面世界 90 Days
2017.09 白色巨塔外 90 Days
2017.09 記得你也曾經說愛我 90 Days
2017.09 空白的筆記 90 Days
2017.09 看到你我就想戀愛 90 Days
2017.09 你真的以為我是那種人 90 Days
2017.06 We Are Dreamer 王鶴棣、李熹子、馬思超、阿沁*
2017.01 失語症 安婕希
2017.01 純愛遊戲 阿沁 feat. 陳曼青
2017.01 LIGHT光 阿爾發全體藝人
2016.12 帥過頭 邱宇辰 & 邱勝翊(王子)
2016.09 KISS ME CoCo Girls
2016.05 重逢 賴郁華
2016.07 飛翔 羅文裕
2016.06 誓言 I swear(小花苞週歲) 阿沁
2015.10 見招拆招 阿沁、曾之喬
2015.08 A PIECE OF YOUR LOVE 思衛 陳傑瑞 徐向立 楊景涵
2015.07 心之火 彭佳慧
2015.06 女人多可愛 彭佳慧
2015.06 走不回去的旅程 彭佳慧
2015.06 無畏 古巨基
2015.03 STRAY DOG 賴雅妍
2015.01 THE MOMENT T.P.I
2015.01 網路人生 阿雅(柳翰雅)
2014.12 哪裡是太陽 侯磊
2014.12 Beautiful love 侯磊*
2014.10 別說GOODBYE 胡宇威
2014.08 沒說出的再見 蔡日軒
2014.06 好想對他說 炎亞綸
2014.06 現在開始 炎亞綸
2014.06 萬花瞳 蔡依林
2014.05 光世界 ACG BEATS主題曲 群星
2013.12 七號公路 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2013.12 千軍破 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2013.12 大航海鬥士 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2013.12 天使都哭了 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2013.12 是你 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2013.12 BETTER LIFE F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2013.12 I REMEMBER F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2013.12 LIGHT UP THE WAY F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2013.08 BE STRONGER 阿沁
2013.05 蝴蝶 鄧養天
2013.12 戀愛關鍵 孫協志 feat Sun Lady
2013.04 月光砂 葉穎
2013.04 壞習慣 鄧子霆
2012.12 La La La(蒼穹) 詹雯婷
2012.10 我沒改變 張韶涵
2012.10 紀念日 炎亞綸
2012.09 原諒 胡鴻鈞
2012.08 瘋狂很瘋狂 AGG
2011.12 給天天 天天
2011.11 遺忘天使 梁文音
2011.08 不屬於我的淚 孫耀威
2011.04 愛有路可退 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2011.04 一百萬種親吻 梁文音
2011.04 我超越 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2011.04 亞特蘭提斯 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2011.04 花非花 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2011.04 唐吉訶德 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2011.04 微光 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2011.04 讓愛重生 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2011.04 SAY HELLO F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2011.04 曙光(粵:其實很愛你) 鄧芷茵
2010.12 我的阿嬤 阿沁
2010.03 習慣就好 羅志祥
2010.06 冬末之戀 賴雅妍、楊千霈、修杰楷、藍鈞天、周孝安
2009.12 向日葵盛開的夏天 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2009.12 紀念日 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2009.12 衝浪季節 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2009.12 貓頭鷹的夢 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2009.12 FIND MY WAY F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2009.12 I AM HERE F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2009.12 紅潮 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2009.12 荊棘裡的花 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2009.12 WE ARE F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2009.07 I NEED TO PRAY 信心地圖
2009.03 妥協 蔡依林
2008.12 幸福不滅 羅志祥
2008.10 波麗士 阿沁
2008.08 死結 李玖哲
2008.07 New Life 阿沁
2008.06 原諒我 蕭敬騰
2008.04 伸出手 阿沁、劉畊宏、王婉霏、羅文裕、陳威全、Fio、沈懿、小壞、李星蕾、Behigh
2008.04 飛翔 劉畊宏
2008.04 不凋零的花 何耀珊
2008.04 彩色羽翼 Faye 詹雯婷
2008.03 希望的種子 群星
2007.12 愛情定格 郭采潔
2007.11 我不會唱歌 羅志祥
2007.11 HOW I LOVE YOU WOW 頭號人物
2007.10 壞天氣 阿沁
2007.09 be free 阿沁
2007.09 月牙灣 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2007.09 第十行星 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2007.09 愛過 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2007.09 三個心願 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2007.09 真愛地圖 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2007.09 過客 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2007.09 詠嘆曲 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2007.09 青空 阿沁 (梵谷的左耳專輯配樂)
2007.09 JUST BE MY LOVE 何耀珊
2007.09 其實很愛你 張韶涵
2007.08 一個人的美術館 楊千嬅
2007.03 大暴走 阿沁
2007.03 光榮時刻 阿沁
2007.03 我不懂 阿沁
2007.03 其實還愛你 阿沁
2007.03 南極星 阿沁
2007.03 記得愛 阿沁 & 李玖哲
2007.03 梵谷的左耳 阿沁
2007.03 聖堂之門 阿沁
2007.03 綠洲 阿沁
2006.09 不由自主 張信哲
2006.08 我對天空說 潘瑋柏
2006.07 1234567 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2006.07 你很愛她 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2006.07 我最愛的人 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2006.07 眷戀 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2006.07 天天夜夜 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2006.07 北極圈 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2006.07 雨櫻花 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2006.07 飛行部落 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2006.07 GET HIGH F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2006.07 I DON'T CARE F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2006.06 BEAUTIFUL LOVE 蔡健雅
2006.05 LOVE STORY 范逸臣
2006.01 愛情旅程 張韶涵
2005.11 勇者之歌 謝霆鋒
2005.10 把愛傳出來 台北健康城市歌 F.I.R.馬英九
2005.10 第一天 孫燕姿 五月天 F.I.R.
2005.05 偏見 梁詠琪
2005.04 千年之戀 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2005.04 消失 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2005.04 刺鳥 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2005.04 愛的力量 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2005.04 光芒 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2005.04 盛宴 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2005.04 無限 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2005.04 I CAN'T GO ON F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2005.04 NEVERLAND F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2005.04 WHAT'S NEXT ? F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2005.01 分開的意思 劉允樂
2004.09 我要飛 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2004.08 我不像我 郭品超
2004.04 你的微笑 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2004.04 我們的愛 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2004.04 待續 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2004.04 後樂園 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2004.04 流浪者之歌 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2004.04 塔羅牌 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2004.04 FLY AWAY F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2004.04 INTRO尋夢之途 F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2004.04 LYDIA F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2004.04 REVOLUTION F.I.R.飛兒樂團
2004.01 遺失的美好 張韶涵
2004.01 那時候 霍建華*
2003.10 有人在等妳 何耀珊
2003.08 夏天的微笑 S.H.E
2003.06 我們之間的距離 高英軒/劉恆
2003.06 兩個世界 粉紅教父小甜甜
2003.06 DIAMOND RING 安雅
2002.05 親愛的朋友 馬一強
2002.05 愛情是聰明人的遊戲 黃漢青
2002.05 休止符 陳永熙
2002.02 杯子(原:遺失的美好) 黃漢青
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- 關於one last kiss意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於one last kiss意思 在 【歌詞翻譯】宇多田ヒカル『One Last Kiss』( 日本語/ 讀音 ... 的評價
- 關於one last kiss意思 在 【EVA × 宇多田光】2021劇場版主題曲〈One Last... 的評價
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one last kiss意思 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文
To A Fortuitous Year of The Monkey (English version below)
接下來就讓玳瑚師父,為妳你們「紙上談運」吧!生肖屬猴的妳你,在這猴年裡,凡事要加以忍耐、忍讓,退一步才可以海闊天空,且莫食喪家之物、送葬出殯宜避之、夜間場所勿流連、對於年邁的長者或親屬,應多加關懷與關注,她他們的身、心發展,以免真的給玳瑚師父「說中了」,妳你也不必對著她他們唱: 我是不是妳你最疼愛的人,妳你為什麼不說話?哈....! 若妳你正打算「東家不打,打西家」的話,吾勸妳你待明年再說吧!喜歡投資的妳你,則要小心陰溝裡翻船哦!今年應該不圖非份,「萬事如意」才可能在妳你身上應驗。
There are countless number of people who cannot wait to take a "sneak preview" into their future. Master Dai Hu thinks that this mentality is not without reasons. The problem lies in this: after you have had a glimpse of what your destiny hold, or what would be your fortunes in this coming year, would you know how to usher in the good luck and evade the bad ones? Would you know how to turn a disastrous situation around and emerge as the eventual winner? Or would you be able to ride on the waves of good fortune for an even better outcome? Would it be the case that after you had known what lies ahead, that you fall into depression and self-pity? If this is true for you, then I would say you belong to the category of superstitious people!
For those of you born under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Monkey, Tiger, Pig and Snake, please seek advice from your Master, if you do have one, on how to seek blessings from the Grand Duke of Jupiter of the year to ensure well-being in your physical and emotional health, career, family and investments, faith in your spiritual cultivation, growth in wisdom, and that the magnitude of all disasters be minimized or reduced to none. Most people do not or rarely worships the Grand Duke of Jupiter at home. So you can visit temples that enshrine the 60 Dukes of Jupiter to pay your respect and make a light offering. When you are paying respect to the Duke of Jupiter, with the offerings, candles and joss papers, please remember to address Him with all your sincerity and faith. In the coming Lunar year of the Fire Monkey, the Grand Duke of Jupiter is addressed as "Guan Zhong". You should formally address Him as the "Grand Duke of Jupiter of the Fire Monkey Year, Guan Zhong". In this way, you can be sure that your prayer goes to the correct Grand Duke of Jupiter.
Now please allow Master Dai Hu to talk about your fortunes, on paper at least! If you are born under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Monkey, please exercise more tolerance in the coming year of the Monkey. Taking a step back will often lead to clear skies. Please do not consume any food from anyone with recently-deceased family members, and refrain from attending funerals and funeral processions. Stay away from places of leisure which operate in the night time.
For the elderly at home, please watch out and show concern for their health and mental well-being as Master Dai Hu does not want to be spot on with his words. I am sure you would not want to be singing, "Am I not the one you loved most? Why are you not talking to me?" Ha!
If you have any thought of changing employer, I would advise you to hold off the plan for another year. For those of you who love to invest, please exercise caution so as not to get caught out by unexpected situations! Do not go after wild ambitions this year so that you can have a smooth and fulfilling year ahead.
For those born under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Tiger, refrain from overeating! Do not consume food from anyone with recently-deceased family members, and avoid any misguided bravery in attending funerals. This will bring harm to yourself and others around you. Unavoidably, this year is going to be a season of troubled times, often with plenty of unease and emotional upheavals. However, please take extra care of the elderly at home to ward off any visit by the Angel of Death. This is a very hectic year for you with plenty of activities in your career moves, change of residences, as well as travels. If these things do not happen, the year's fortune will take on another appearance: you will risk suffering from falls! So please inspect your footwear to ensure they are in good condition! Every plan this year should be set to defensive mode, instead of invasive.
For those born under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Pig, please treat your relationships with your family and kin with extra care, and be bold to shower more love towards them, so that the Year of the Monkey will be a happy journey for you. As for your career and investment, do not deviate from your plans so as to minimize your risks. In your marriage and relationships, let go of the notion of "self", and all will be nice and harmonious.
As for those of you born under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Snake, your family relations, your lover and friends, etc, may "suddenly disappear" from your life. The only way to seek comfort from this is to treat them sincerely and cherish the affinities with them. Remember this famous saying, "It may not last forever, but at least you had the moments. " and you will come to a closure with it.
In actual fact, it is not only human beings that come into conflict with the Grand Duke of the Jupiter. Your residence, specifically its sitting and facing directions, your office premises, your work desk, your study desk at home, your bed, and every individual room can be in conflict with the Grand Duke of Jupiter. No matter your age, even if you are a baby, you will encounter accidents, illness, and loss of wealth if you are in conflict with the Grand Duke of Jupiter. But these are small matters. In more serious cases, your life may be in danger.
There is no harm to engage a Feng Shui Master whom you can trust to conduct a Feng Shui audit at your home, for the sake of your family and yourself. Embrace every beautiful day in your life. There is no need to live each day in trepidation and fear. If you have not engaged any Feng Shui master for your home before, make it this year! Let this be your perfect gift to yourself and your family, a gift of great significance and love, and create a haven of bliss and years of prosperity! Ha! How joyous that will be!
Master Dai Hu would like to sound out a gentle reminder: please pay your respect to the Grand Duke of Jupiter before Li Chun, the beginning of Spring. Do not wait until the Qing Ming Festival or the Lunar Seventh Month before you fulfill this important task. The Qing Ming Festival and the Lunar Seventh Month are meant for paying respects to our ancestors and the wandering spirits, commonly known as the "good brothers"! If you had missed the Li Chun date, you may request a Master you can trust to select an auspicious date and time, based on your birth chart, to pay your respect to the Grand Duke of Jupiter any time between the First Day and the Fifteenth Day of the First Lunar Month. This is an excellent way to pay your respect to the Grand Duke of Jupiter. I wish everybody an awesome Year of the Monkey!
The Grand Duke of Jupiter, Guan Zhong, for the Year of the Fire Monkey, is a God who is passionate about performing virtuous deeds, generous giving, education and always the first in line when it comes to kind deeds. Therefore, if you would like Him to take notice of you, to protect and take care of you, you should therefore be more enthusiastic and diligent than the years before to perform virtuous deeds. For examples, refrain from killing lives, liberate lives, sponsor the printing and distribution of virtuous books, speak to encourage virtuous behaviour, donate to build temples and towards disaster relief funds, show care and give assistance for the less fortunate, etc.
Consistent action on a daily basis yields consistent gains. What do you gain? Your merits, fortunes, wisdom and resources increase. In the midst of this lies the enormous benefit of altering your destiny for the better. Do not be calculative in your time, money, bodily effort, and volume of work. Press on day by day, consistently, and soon, you will witness the emergence of a powerful force that is unprecedented, one that can turn your life and fortune around! On the other hand, if you live with a calculative mindset, all that you have done will not invoke the radiant Light, without which your supposedly virtuous deeds can never be aligned with the Grand Duke of Jupiter. Ultimately, there is still a distance between your heart and His, and your many wishes and hopes for this year are just a figment of your imagination. What do I mean by that? I mean you can kiss your dreams goodbye!
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